Conseg Seguridad Privada


We provide security services and private surveillance of
High quality, efficiency and cordiality.


CONSEG is a private security service provider, formed by a group of professionals with knowledge and experience in the area of integral security, risk management, loss prevention and protection of dignitaries.

Our mission is to guarantee our customers efficiency and quality in our services through our qualified staff, with emphasis on immediate and personalized attention.


  • We train the personnel in our instructional classroom and in its facilities, defining the specific functions of the installation that they protect.
    We do not work with templates, we develop comprehensive security plans according to the needs of your facilities.
  • We treat our staff with respect and we owe it to them, but our professionalism is not based solely on human resources, but on the sum of efforts focused on customer service.
  • We provide a personalized service that fits your needs.
  • We want our clients to consider us as “STRATEGIC PARTNERS” and not as another supplier.
  • We conduct courses and seminars tailored to the needs of your company, planning for continuous sustainable improvement.


To be the leading Private Security company in the national market, satisfying the needs and demands of our clients.


Guarantee our customers efficiency and quality in our services through our qualified staff, with emphasis on immediate and personalized attention.


The values that distinguish us are:

* Respect     * Honesty     * Trust     * Loyalty



La Alianza Empresarial para un Comercio Seguro BASC (Business Alliance for Secure Commerce), busca la implementación de un Sistema de Gestión en Control y Seguridad para el mejoramiento continuo de los estandares de seguridad aplicados en las empresas con el fin de lograr que las mercancias no sean contaminadas por ninguna sustancia extraña en un esfuerzo por mantener las compañías libres de cualquier actividad ilícita y a la vez facilitar los procesos aduaneros de las mismas.

Las empresas que forman parte del BASC son auditadas periódicamente y ofrecen la garantía de que sus productos y servicios son sometidos a una estricta vigilancia en todas las áreas mediante diversos sistemas y procesos lo cual contribuye a desalentar fenómenos delictivos como el narcotrafico, el contrabando y el terrorismo que perjudican los intereses económicos, fiscales y comerciales del país.

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